Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays fellow Umuojians

Fellow Umuojians,

On behalf of Umuoji Improvement Union – USA let me thank you all for all your assistance and support in the outgoing year. With your support we were able to pull through a very successful convention in Houston, Texas. We also witnessed lots of peace and reconciliation within our organization, the climax of which was the admission of our brothers and sisters from New York/New Jersey/Connecticut Chapter into UIU-USA.

As we cerebrate Christmas, let us stop for a moment to reflect on the suffering of our brothers, cousins and Nephews in Umuoji Boys High School, who will be graduating from their Junior Secondary School Class next fall. Upon graduation, these boys will have no place in Umuoji to further their education to the Senior Secondary School level – a result of the withdrawn accreditation of SS1-SS3. They will have to choose between daily commuting to Ogidi Boys High School or dropping out of school. Shall we wait until we loose accreditation of the Junior Hugh School also before we realize the need and urgency to run to their rescue?

As concerned Umuoji citizens in UIU-USA, we have identified the need to assist these kids, as a matter of priority, by working to restore the accreditation of the Senior Secondary School. We sent a fact finding mission to Umuoji Boys to determine the details of what we need to do to salvage the situation.

The report we got was very alarming to say but the least. Please take some time to reflect on the pictures below that shows the current situation of Umuoji Boys. These pictures speak a million words but one thing is clear, IT IS DEPLORABLE and disheartening. If we agree with the saying that “children are our future” how can the “good” people of Umuoji watch the pride and future of this town crumble? There is no better time to act than now.

The National executive committee of UIU has carefully looked into this and identified the following projects as critical to getting back the accreditation:

1. Fencing the Compound of the school so that the teaching, library and laboratory
equipments can be safe guarded.
2. Renovating the Laboratory and Class room Blocks
3. Renovating the Principal and Staff quarter

In view of the fore-going, a committee of very distinguished Umuojians made of Dr Sunny Agina, Engr. Cletus Okonkwo, Mr. Pius Okaneme and Mr. Peter Azogini has been setup by the National Executive committee to study these projects and come up with recommendations.

We realize this is a very monumental project to undertake. It will take the effort of all Umuojians to achieve the goal of bringing back Umuoji Boys to it’s “glory days”. In the coming year, we will be calling on Umuojians in USA to support this project. As always we are confident that you will answer this call.

Thanks and Happy holidays to all.

Fidelis Onyimba
National President UIU-USA
Osita Okoye
National Publicity Secretary UIU-USA

Friday, December 21, 2007



1. Principal - Mr Nwafor J.K (803-090-0751)

2. Vice principal admin - Mr Ezendiokwelu H. O

3. Bursar - Mr Ikeabunze Godwin

4. The PTA Chairman - Chief Mekaowuru

5. Vice principal academics

The main problem identified includes dwindling attendance that have led to very few students in the senior secondary(SS1-SS3) school and subsequent withdrawal of accreditation for SS1-SS3.

The reason for the poor attendance is decay infrastructure and low teacher/student ratio.

Umuoji boys is now UMUOJI COMMUNITY HIGH but no girl has taken any offer of admission in the school due to poor security.

The recommendations include:

1. To repair the teachers/principal accommodation. This will help the school ask for NYSC teachers (projected 15) to help address teacher/student ratio and confidence. If the principal and NYSC teachers are living in the compound, it will bring a sense of security to the school.

2. At least, a "dwarf" fence with gate at the entrance should be built to close the pathway that ran across the school while also addressing the security problem

3. Renovation of one unit of vandalized building for the SS1-SS3 (Lagos branch already completed renovation of one building).


This Interview was conducted by Osita Okoye - PRO UIU-USA on a fact finding mission to Umuoji Boys.

Principal's Office

Left: The Principal Mr J.K Nwafor and the PTA Chairman Chief Mekaowuru inside the Principal's office.
Right: The desk of the secretary to the Principal office.
This office has been broken into from the ceiling on several times.
Click of the video below for more details.

A Class room block that was once used by SSS class

Left : Front View of a Class room block. Right: The Inside of the class room.

This building that was once an elegant structure that produced lots of Umuoji sons is now abandoned and vandalized.

Entrance gate to Umuoji Boys High School

Left: Entrance gate to Umuoji Boys High School

Right: Umuoji Boys High School students outside their class room block - "crying for help"

Science Laboratory - Block A

Left: Outside view of One of the Science Laboratory, Right: Inside view

Science Laboratory Block B

Left: Side view of the Science Laboratory Block B.

Right: Inside the Science Lab

According to the principal, the science equipments have been moved to a location in Onitsha to safeguard them from robbers. How can these kids learn science if their Lab? is at Onitsha

The Principal's Residence

The Principal's Residence.

The Principal currently live near Awka and daily commute to Umuoji Boys. He is looking to relocate to Umuoji but there is no place in the school for him.

The abandoned school Dormitory. This use to be the place where our young brothers, cousins and nephews live within the school compound. This facilities built and supported by our fathers are no longer available to these kids. The "lucky ones" either commutes to or live in the facilities provided for by Ogidi - USA for Ogidi Boys High School.

The "not so lucky", DROP OUT OF SCHOOL after their Junior Secondary Class (JS3)